Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wedding Bells

Next Summer August 28, 2008 I marry the love of my life! What else can I say, that about says it all.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I am moving in with my guy! I am thrilled, excited, and stressed. The stress comes from the actual move. The sorting, purging, and packing is a daunting task. I wish I could just wiggle my nose like Samantha and have it all done! I know once it is accomplished I will look back and these weeks leading up to the move will be a distant faded memory...but for now I want to cry! Who knew one could accumulate so much and squeeze it into a small apartment. I have made a promise to myself not to collect and buy unneccassary odds and ends for the new place, even though I already have a list of what is needed...LOL! Oh well, let the games begin.


Friday, May 11, 2007

My love / hate relationship!

It's Friday the best day of the week...or is it? For me it is a love / hate relationship! I am at work and all I can think about is that country song, It's 5 o'clock Somewhere. Friday is the last day of my long and torturous work week, unfortunately, it is also the longest and most torturous day of the week. I mean do folks finally wake up on Friday and realize, "Oh Shit" I did nothing all week, I better get it done today! It then lands on my lap, out of their hands, and my now finally finished to do list for the week is fattened up for Monday. It is becomming a vicious cycle , but hell it is Friday :)


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Riddle: Wind is my Foe!

Wind is my Foe!

My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick, Fat, I am slow, Wind is my foe.

What am I?

So great, wonderful, now what?

I have read blogs online and thought how cool it would be to have one of my own! My boyfriend created one and set me up (thanks honey). So great, wonderful, now what? What does one write about? My usual move is to go online and do a little research, and of course I have already done this a few times. I am finding that THIS IS NOT EASY! I mean, who wants to read about my everyday activities, or my opinions and views on what is going on here at home and around the globe. Therefore, I have decided to treat my blog for now as a diary. I will fill it with my day to day (maybe too ambitious) Pomp and Circumstance. Well, for today this just about covers it. Together lets see where if anywhere this goes. Cheers.